Tromad Moonrose
Miqo'te - Keeper of the Moon
The Rogue & Con
Hailing from parts unknown, she was found as an infant and adopted by a rough group of thugs based out of Limsa Lominsa. Seeing that she had potential, they raised the child into a competent rogue and con artist.

The Entertainer
When she wasn't using her talent for crime, the Miqo'te found joy in the smiles her music brought to those who listened. She'd go onto work within various forms of performance arts at several venues.
The Adventurer
The drive for adventure is in all of us. Eventually it takes hold and drives us forward into new lands and careers. When she's not working as an entertainer, Tromad is running all over Eorzea, and on occasion, beating down villains.

A Rough Start

Tro Crying by twitter.com/SarahMasonArtIt was a bright and sunny spring day as the caravan made it's way along the wooded road. Several wagons bumped along the unpaved surface as livestock and those on foot walked alongside or behind. The route was relatively safe, as many of the caravans that passed through would hired guards or mercenaries to protect people and cargo from bandits or the occasional Coeurl. As such, many were at ease, and never expected a tribe of cannibalistic, feral Miqo'te were lurking among the bush.The long caravan came to an unexpected stop. The lead wagon halting the train as a large tree had fallen and blocked the road. It was much to big to go around, and being experienced as the driver was, knew something was amiss. He noticed the tree to be too healthy and full of life to have fallen unassisted. The driver panned his eyes from the tree to the wood line. Before he could callout to the others what he had seen, an arrow slammed into his throat, silencing the driver.It all happened so quickly as waves of attackers swarmed, leaped, and dove out of the woods and descended upon the caravan and its occupants. The guards, who were mostly expecting to be a visual deterrent against brigands, quickly found themselves outmatched and annihilated. Those passengers with weapons and the courage to stand between the violence and their families found themselves torn apart by vicious fangs and claws.A male Hyur and female Keeper of the Moon weaved their way through the madness. The man brandishing a short blade in one hand the woman's hand tightly in another. She held on just as tightly, while also clutching a small bundle close to her chest. They made their way to the back of the wagon train before a group of feral Miqo'te pounced upon them. The man placed himself between the cannibals and female Keeper, commanding her with a booming voice to keep running. She didn't look back as she fled into the distance.Far from the carnage, the female Keeper collapsed along the side of the road. Exhaustion had finally caught up to her. She trembled violently, but remembering the bundle she had been carrying, she cleared some brush and placed an infant within. Her hand rested upon the infant's slowly rising and falling chest as she renewed the sleep spell. She quickly placed additional foliage over the infant and tried to stand. That's when it hit her, a sharp pain shot through her back and for the first time she noticed blood coating her garments. The adrenaline had been so great, she failed to notice the several darts lodged in her back.She only saw their feet. Claws glistening with slick lifeblood as several surrounded her. The feral Miqo'te didn't play with their food. Hunters and cannibals the lot of them. They ended her life quickly before dragging her body back to wherever they had put up camp. None of them ever noticed the infant hidden away in the underbrush.After a time, a roaming band of brigands found the infant buried under a brush pile, they brought the child with them to Limsa Lominsa. While there, the little Miqo'te was passed around from caretaker to caretaker, giving them each a lesson in patience. Nobody really disliked her, they only wished she'd somehow fall off one of the high walkways crisscrossing the city.Growing up, she learned the art of misdirection. She would distract the citizenry just long enough for them to become victims of some crime, usually pickpockets. However, on occasion, things could, and did, become violent. With her successes, the brigands put her to work as a Bard near the city's Aetheryte crystal. She would play harp beautifully, capturing the hearts of hundreds, while the brigands captured their coin purses.But the good times don't ever last, and the Miqo'te was arrested by the Yellow Jackets after an exciting chase through the city and across a variety of gang planks. She was found guilty and thrown into a brig anchored just off the coast. She was stuffed into a cage with no light, putrid smells, musky air, and a strange liquid she couldn't identify that would slosh into her cage during rough seas. On top of all this, the guards and other inmates were especially cruel.Three years would pass before she would be released. Her time in the brig ingrained in her a combination of nyctophobia and claustrophobia, she would never feel safe in tight or dark spaces again.
And Action

Blue Miqo'te art by Dylan PockUpon her release, she was given a choice. Join the Maelstrom and perform to her fullest, or spend the rest of her life in a brig offshore Limsa Lominsa. The Miqo'te couldn't bear to spend another moment locked away in that horrific place and quickly agreed to join the Maelstrom. She wasn't adept at manipulating aether so along with the skills she learned from the thieves guild, she tacked on battlefield medicine.She went from conflict to conflict, fighting against Limsa Lominsa's enemies and keeping a watchful eye on her comrades. It was an unfortunate set of circumstances when all the skill and luck her unit possessed couldn't save them from being overran. It was raining, the soil was soft and sticky, and they were exposed. It didn't take long and she found herself in a prison camp. She was cast back into the world of darkness she thought she had escaped so long ago.Time passed and the prisoners were released. But the blue Miqo'te wasn't the same person coming out as she was going in. She didn't know how long she spent alone in that place or what happened to her comrades. She assumed they were all killed in the initial attack or over time.Upon return to Limsa Lominsa, her mental state deemed her unfit for additional service and she was honorably discharged from the Maelstrom with the option to join the reserve forces, which she took.In need of money, Tromad sought employment using her musical and dancing talents at a variety of bars, taverns, and clubs throughout Eorzea. Many of her experiences were pleasant ones, especially when it came to music. She could bask in the melodies and notes, helping her forget the turmoil that consumed the early stages of her life.The blue Miqo'te went on to eventually open her own tavern, the "Blue Miqo'te Tavern". There she would host other bards and dancers, and wile away the days talking with interesting strangers and friends. As time passed, she slowly began to heal from her ordeals. Her worries shifted from surviving to how she would get all the glasses cleaned before the next opening.During lull in the spring, Tromad decided to visit a far off island chain for holiday. She could have probably taken an airship, but being from Limsa Lominsa, she wanted to feel the ocean spray upon her face, and smell the salty air. She booked a cabin on a passenger vessel and they set out to sea.The journey wasn't an easy one and Tro was wondering if this had been a good idea. Storms had rocked the ship and her stomach churned from the chow the crew fed the passengers. It wasn't until they were halfway through the voyage the real nightmare began. A pirate vessel bristling with canons chased down the passenger vessel. The two crews exchanged fire, but lacking heavy firepower, Tromad's ship was quickly overpowered.The pirate ship pulled alongside and the crew began to board. Passengers and crew alike engaged in the melee with some initial success. However, the pirates still aboard their own ship lobbed spells and projectiles down upon the defenders. It was at this moment, the blue Miqo'te took action and let her training kick in. She jumped onto the pirate ship and made her way into the hull where she found the powder storage. Several pirates cornered her and were about to skin her alive.. until she casually dropped a small, and brightly lit fire starter directly into the gunpowder.The pirate ship was gone. It's bulk rising and then falling before splintering into drift wood. The passenger vessel rocked violently and many aboard sustained injuries, but with the attacks from the pirate ship stopped, the passengers and crew quickly gained the upper hand. The fighting was over and they quickly took stock of their situation.Tromad awoke in a hospital bed. A soft breeze washed over her. She could feel the cool touch of air, the warm sun kissing her cheek, and hear the sounds of children playing in a courtyard somewhere below. A healer arrived to check on her. When Tro tried to great them, she couldn't move. She couldn't see out of her left eye. The pain shot through her and she slipped into an unconscious state.When Tro came to once more, the healer explained how the crew of the passenger vessel fished her out of the sea and done all they could keep her alive. The healer also explained the injuries Tro sustained. Half her body was burned and torn. Her left eye was gone, and her flesh was burned to the bone. The blue Miqo'te would spend the next several months rehabilitating before returning home.

Dark Tro art by Dylan PockWhen she finally returned home, Tromad sank into a brooding loner kind of attitude. Her body was scarred and torn. Her mobility was shot. She looked like a monster from the story books. It was emotionally hard on her for some time with only a glimmer of joy coming when she received a letter from the man who raised her while in the thieves guild. He was coming to visit. He had found some kind of power through the alchemical use of void blood and needed her help.The blue Miqo'te wasn't an alchemist and wondered just what she could do to be useful in this situation. She didn't care however, she just needed to see a friendly face. So she gathered her things together and prepared for the man's arrival.When he finally arrived, he was as fatherly as Tro remembered. She was his little girl all over again and she took every advantage that came with it. But with everything in this Miqo'te's life, the good times quickly turned sour. She was drugged and placed upon the sacrificial altar. Apparently, the best way to acquire void blood, that the man knew of anyway, was to have a vessel possessed and then drain the lifeblood from them. He chose to sacrifice his adopted daughter.The void beast that possessed her was vain. It despised the body it was given. This wasn't the beautiful and flawless vessel it desired. It went to work, Tro's wounds closing up and her left eye returning to it's original state. Everywhere her flesh was reconstructed, a barely visible patch of rough skin remained. When the healing was complete, Tro's adopted father moved in to end her life. This did not go so well, however.The man stood before his adopted daughter, now possessed by a void beast. He clutched at his throat trying to speak, but only red froth escaped his throat. Tro's figure stood before him with a sadistic grin, her mouth and fangs drenched in the man's blood. He fell back, his lifeforce expiring moments later. The void beast's new vessel went on to slaughter those who participated with the man. None of them escaped.With the timely arrival of Tro's close friends and allies, they prevented the void beast from leaving the sight of the ritual. The fight was brutal and intense but eventually they subdued the Miqo'te and were able to, or so they believe, purge the void beast from their friend. She came to, not able to recount any of the events that had taken place. She also had a strange twitch in her left eye, one that left her wanting. Left a subconscious desire to pluck the left eye out of others. Was the beast truly gone?As time passed, and Tro focused on her tavern, she could tell she wasn't herself. There was a strange feeling, like a presence rested within her. Her experiences, the ones she tried to put behind her, haunted her more and more when she was idle. She refused sleep and chose to remain busy. She was in her mid-thirties now and still relatively good looking, but she carried a tired persona with her. It was this tiredness that allowed whatever was lurking within to slip to the surface now and again.To be continued...
Images of Bluecatte
Hello there! I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. You already know my name, my character's background, now let me tell you about what I enjoy doing in FFXIV!I am a role player. I enjoy every bit of the RP scene within FFIXV and the community is one of my utmost favorites. You can find me engaged in either casual (random banter) or light to medium RP with the purpose of character development. I'm not a raider, but I do love the storyline and base level content of FFXIV.I'm also the owner of the Blue Miqo'te, a music and performance venue. I created it originally to play barkeep, but it's grown into much more. I want to encourage the development of player created arts within FFXIV. Be that music, dance, poetry, story telling, whatever you can think of! The Blue Miqo'te is a stage for it all.Some of my community responsibilities include:- Co-Founder of the Eorzea Dream Festival
- Organizer: Reverie Trance Music Festival
- Organizer: Endeavor Europa Music FestivalAnd I assist in some fashion with many others!If you'd like to reach out to me with event, collaboration, or any other ideas, please feel free to do so at Discord: tro_ dj_ luna_ k